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 E-2 Visas

E2 Visa processing

We specialize exclusively in E2 Visa processing and the additional associated assets needed to satisfy USCIS and consular requirements, including Business Plans, Business Assessments, and Business Opportunity’s. Our team of experts will help you successfully identify and assess a qualified business opportunity and secure an E2 Visa quickly and affordably.

E2 Visa USA Immigration Attorney

Business Plans

A solid business plan will demonstrate your professional commitment, and your understanding of the business you are starting or purchasing. The business plan needed to satisfy USCIS and federal requirements is extensive and complex, and will ultimately determine your likelihood of securing your E2 Visa.

Our team of experts will prepare and complete a solid business plan that will satisfy Consular and USCIS requirements and demonstrate your commitment – we do all the work.

Business Opportunities 

You will need to determine if you are going to purchase an existing business, or if you are going to start a new business. We will provide direction, advice, and opportunities to help you choose the best solution to successfully secure your new business and satisfy E2 Visa requirements.

Please contact us today to discuss your new business opportunity.

Contact Us
E2 VisaS

We work with numerous business brokers, business owners, and business developers across the United States.

We will help you find an existing business in the location and industry you are looking for, or we will help you start or develop a new business and provide all of the required infrastructure.

Trades / Construction

Medical / Healthcare

Professional Services

Health / Beauty

Restaurants / Hospitality

Retail / Online

We will additionally provide the required marketing, business plan, and infrastructure required to satisfy E2 Visa requirements.

We help you start or secure a solid business, and help you quickly build your brand and your clientele effortlessly and affordably.

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